
Where there are people, there is conflict.  While conflict may be viewed negatively by most, healthy conflict does help individuals, teams and organizations to grow and flourish. Effective conflict resolution skills are essential in order to maintain the health and viability of an organization or department. Understanding the root of conflict, how to turn conflict into a constructive dynamic and lead through it all is an art, and one that is essential for any professional today. This course will pull from key Harvard research (and The New Conflict Management) as well as the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict mode instrument, illuminating how understanding conflict styles and situations will improve your relationships and career.


Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize individual conflict styles (your own and others) to determine the best path to a healthy resolution
  • Develop strategies for how and when to address conflict
  • Assure that situations of conflict are healthy and productive within your organization


Debra Zabloudil (Presenter)
The Learning Studio, Inc.

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