
In our increasingly translational world, informatics students need to be familiar with the challenges of working with clinical data. To this end, we have developed a workshop that focuses on active learning with a dataset from the National Sleep Research Resource. Our workshop consists of 1) didactic lectures covering the domain (sleep research/cardiovascular risk) and 2) Clinical Data Quality issues, and 3) active exercises consisting of a “data scavenger hunt” using a interactive visualization app, culminating in building and presenting a logistic regression model of cardiovascular risk through the selection of relevant covariates in the data. At each step, student groups are assigned a task about the dataset and are responsible for teaching what they have discovered about the data to the other groups. Outcomes: among our incoming students who have taken the workshop, we have noted increased confidence with clinical concepts in data, especially during the final presentation of their models. We anticipate teaching this workshop to other audiences, including sleep researchers. All course materials (except for the dataset) are available at: https://laderast.github.io/clinical_data_wrangling/


Ted Laderas (Presenter)
Oregon Health & Science University

Nicole Weiskopf, Oregon Health & Science University
Eilis Boudreau, Oregon Health & Science University

Presentation Materials:

None yet.